
Mychal Smigley

Mychal Smigley has written 4 posts for

Lane County Homebuilders Association Endorses Pat Farr for Re-Election!

The Lane County Homebuilders Association has endorsed Pat Farr for Re-Election saying, “Affordable and accessible housing is essential to our community.  Commissioner Farr has fought tirelessly to increase housing supply and increase accessibility for renters.” – Lane County Home Builders Association

International Association of Firefighters Endorse Farr!

Thank you Eugene-Springfield firefighters for endorsing my reelection to continue my work as Lane County Commissioner.IMG_5745

The Eugene Chamber of Commerce Endorses Farr!

Thank you, Eugene Chamber of Commerce for endorsing my reelection as Lane County Commissioner.


The Register Guard Endorses Pat Farr

I am pleased to have earned the Register Guard’s endorsement. The article highlights a number of the important issues I am working on–including homelessness, jobs and the economy, and public safety.