City Manager Jon Ruiz made a presentation to the Eugene City Council on Wednesday March 13 that brought together the many thousands of hours spent on gathering and processing information about the city’s future growth.
We commend Lane County Commissioner Faye Stewart for his Feb. 19 guest viewpoint in support of Oregon’s open meetings law. Stewart was unable to attend every day of the trial involving Commissioners Rob Handy and Pete Sorenson. We did attend the trial every day, and we have a slightly different view of the proceedings.
After being found guilty of willfully violating Oregon’s Open Meetings Law and costing taxpayers the better part of a million dollars, Lane County Commissioners Rob Handy and Pete Sorenson are now relying on endorsements from their “book club” cronies to win re-election.
When Mike Clark filed to run for Lane County commissioner in the north Eugene district late last year, he had reason to hope that a head-to-head contest with incumbent Rob Handy would end with a winner on May 15. Instead, Pat Farr filed in January to run for the same position. It looked as though the anti-Handy vote would be split between the two Eugene City Council members, creating the likelihood of a runoff in November. But now Clark has withdrawn, greatly increasing the chances that the race will be settled when Handy or Farr wins a majority in the primary election.
Handy doesn’t merit re-election
I am a lifelong Democrat who will not be voting to re-elect Rob Handy as Lane County commissioner. I don’t know Handy personally. I would like to think he is a nice person, but it is very obvious that he has no place in elected office. He simply lacks good judgment and a basic sense of what it right and wrong.
We need elected leaders we can look to for their ethical behavior, instead of forgiving their many (costly) transgressions. I have always voted for Democratic candidates whose values of honestly, justice and fairness I can relate to. Handy just doesn’t measure up.
Commissioner Faye Stewart said it best in his Feb. 19 guest viewpoint: “As elected officials, we are entrusted with power to make decisions that affect the lives of many. It is imperative that we exercise that power in the daylight so that the public is aware of the reasoning that goes into our decisions and whether we are deserving of their continued trust.”
For whatever reason, Rob Handy has proven himself incapable of this important task and does not deserve to be re-elected.
Robert W. Smith
EUGENE, Ore. – City Councilor Mike Clark dropped out of the race for Lane County Commissioner representing North Eugene and endorsed fellow Councilor Pat Farr for the seat currently held by Commissioner Rob Handy.
Eugene (KMTR) A Eugene City Council member is looking for another job. Pat Farr has announced his be for the newly-redrawn North Eugene seat on the Lane County Board of Commissioner.
We are proud to announce the launch of – the official campaign website for Pat Farr’s candidacy for Lane County Commissioner (District 4).
The site features news and updates on the campaign, as well as information about Pat Farr and his key issues in the race.
Please watch for updates – we plan to provide news on a timely basis both on the website and through social networking channels like Facebook and Twitter.
Lane County, Oregon—
Eugene City Councilor Pat Farr is announcing his candidacy for the newly-redrawn District 4 seat (North Eugene) on the Lane County Board of Commissioners. The election will take place in May, 2012.
“Lane County needs leaders who have a history of attracting high paying jobs to our area,” said Councilor Farr. “I have more than thirty years’ experience creating jobs in the public, nonprofit, and private sectors. As a County Commissioner I will continue to fight to make Eugene and all of Lane County livable and affordable. I am humbled by the outpouring of encouragement I have received to run for this seat.”
In his previous work as Executive Director of FOOD for Lane County and as an Executive Manager at Jerry’s Home Improvement Center, Farr provided stabilizing leadership during challenging times of growth and change.
Prior to serving in his current elected position, Farr has served as a Member of the Oregon House of Representatives, Eugene City Councilor (1995-2003), and on the Bethel School District Board of Directors.
Councilor Farr has earned a reputation for fighting hard for the needs of the people he represents. Some of his accomplishments include adding the Bethel Fire Station, West Eugene Public Safety Station, Eugene’s first branch public library, Beltline Road improvements and the addition of new public parkland.
Councilor Farr will be available for press interviews on Thursday, December 15th from 2:00pm – 2:30pm at Full City Coffee, 842 Pearl Street, in Eugene.